April 18, 2016

His great power in imparting happiness to all

During my stay in Paris, [in 1911] having been permitted to live in the same apartment with Him [‘Abdu’l-Baha], I daily witnessed the marvelous power of His love and active interest in all those who are concerned in the uplifting of the human race. His great power in imparting happiness to all those who are depressed or are passing through a period of trials and tests, cannot be measured by human criterion. This one power alone distinguishes Him above all men, for, notwithstanding the complexity of problems that He must solve daily and the thousand and one details that He must attend to for them, yet he is always beaming and imparting happiness to all those who come in touch with Him. 

- Mirza Ahmad Sohrab  (Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 16. December 31, 1911)

March 16, 2016

How is one impressed by meeting ‘Abdu'l-Baha? – by Arthur Cuthbert *, London, 25 September, 1911

To see, hear, or meet Him can never, it seems to me, be a shock, a startling surprise, or an overwhelming impression. It is a perfectly natural and simple experience, and may even, at first seem rather disappointing; but ‘Abdu'l-Baha will ever grow upon yon, even if the meeting is only once. Gradually, you will realize, more and more, what it is you have been in the presence of and made contact with. Not a personality, nor a dazzling individual, but so wonderful a state of perfect detachment and consecration have you encountered that it seems as if you are being lovingly addressed by the Holy Spirit Itself. It is a great lesson to us of a man's perfect attainment. We see before our eyes the attitude towards God each one of its ought to assume, so that each one in his place may be fully enabled to love all mankind abundantly, and act with the greatest wisdom, always shedding round him joy and happiness.

Coming into ‘Abdu'l-Baha's presence, we may forget everything, cease to believe anything, and may say He is but an Oriental man after all. We may question whether we are even a believer. We may desire to revise everything, that we may have only the truth and nothing but the truth. Then, Lo and behold. Truth stands out boldly! We still believe, but this belief which formerly floated high upon the surface of the sea - where it was rocked and tossed by every wind - now floats more deeply, being well ballasted, so that outer things henceforth can little affect it.

February 10, 2016

The household of ‘Abdu’l-Baha in Akka – described by American pilgrim Mary Lucas

Monday afternoon, Ruha and Munavar Khanum (two of ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s daughters) came to my room and told me the ladies of the household would call upon me after sunset. So the Greatest Holy Leaf (the Master’s sister) and the Holy Mother (the Master’s wife), Ruha and Munavar Khanum, came to my room. I gave them presents sent from America, and delivered to Ruha Khanum many supplications for the Master, from Americans.

Monday night I spent with the ladies in the large sitting room. They asked me to sing for them, and I sang many things. They requested the hymn, “Nearer, My God, to Thee.” While I was in Egypt I learned from one of the Persian believers a Tablet in Arabic, and also learned to chant it. The members of the household were much pleased when I chanted it for them. This was Monday night, Jan. 30, 1905, my second and last night, I thought, in this sacred and spiritual atmosphere — as the Master had said I could come for two nights.

During my stay the Master was never present in the evening after dinner.

January 6, 2016

An American Christian visited the Master in Akka, May 1910

As he talked with me I felt my heart soften under the influence of his goodness and kindness, and the tears came to my eyes. He asked me about myself, if I were well and if I were happy. I replied to the latter question: "I have had many sorrows." "Forget them!" he answered. "When your heart is filled with the love of God there will be no room for sorrow. There will only be love and happiness." I cannot tell you the sweet sympathy of his voice as he said these beautiful and comforting words.

Then he had the attendant bring in tea, a cup for him and a cup for me. We drank together, wishing each other health and happiness, and then he told me that he hoped he should take tea with me in the Kingdom of Heaven!
(Extract from a letter written by a Mrs. Crockett, May, 1910 to Miss Frances Johnson, Pearl City, Hawaii; Star of the West, vol. 1, no. 9, August 20, 1910)